Mashav Courses in 2011

Mashav Courses in 2011

    Media Strategies For Social Change (January 10th – February 3rd  2011)
    Seminar on Leveraging Local Assets for Community and Economic Development (January 10th – February 3rd 2011)
    Educational Methodologies – Youth at Risk: Preventing Student Dropouts and Facilitating Reintegration (January 17th – February 17th 2011)
    Agri-Green Management: Agri-Environmental Considerations Under Climatic Changes (January 24th – February 17th 201
    Mainstreaming Poverty – Environment Linkages into Development Planning (February 7th – March 3rd 2011)
    Empowerment of Early Childhood Teacher Trainers from Kumasi, Ghana (February 7th – March 3rd 2011) 
    Postharvest Physiology, Pathology and Handling of Fresh Commodities (February 8th – March 4th 2011)
    Nutrition in a Changing Global Environment (February 21st – March 17th 2011)
    Models of Sustainable Development: Initiatives for Rural Communities in Desert Areas (March 21st – April 14th 2011)
    Research and Development in Food Security and Grain Storage Technologies and Management (March 30th – April 12th 2011)
    Advanced Methods for Increasing Dairy Yield: Small & Large Ruminants (May 2nd – 26th 2011)                                                                                                                                      Adapting to Climate Change: Biotechnology in Agriculture in a World of Global Environmental Changes ( May 2nd – June 30th 2011)
    Modern Apiculture Management: Honey, By-Products and Pollination (May 15th – June 1st 2011)
    The Battle Against Human Trafficking: A Victim Centered Approach (June 13th – 19th 2011)                                                                                                                                      Climate Change and Agriculture (June 13th – 27th 2011)
    Research and Development of Integrated Pest Management (June 13th – July 6th 2011          
    Education Towards Sustainable Development – Training for Educators (June 13th – July 8th 2011)
    International Training on Integrated Approach for Upgrading Poor and Urban Areas (July 4th – August 2nd 2011)
    Professional Development for In-Service Teachers (August 29th – September 22nd 2011)
    Entrepreneurship for Youth – A Tool for Poverty Alleviation (August 29th – September 22nd 2011)
    Violence Against Women and Children (September 5th-22nd 2011)                                                                                                                                      Intensive Aquaculture Production (September 5th – 22nd 2011)
    Local Government and Civil Society’s Role in Local Sustainable Development (September 18th 2011 – October 12th 2011)
    Water Management – Decision Making, Environmental Aspects & Risk Assessment (October 24th – November 22nd 2011)
    Media Strategies For Social Change (November 1st – 18th 2011)
    Innovative Methods for an Integrative Approach in Teacher Training (November 1st – 18th 2011)
    Developing and Organizing a Trauma System and MCS Organization (November 6th – 19th 2011)
    Wastewater Treatment and Use for Sustainable Agriculture (November 8th – 22nd 2011)
    Crop Production Under Saline Stress (November 13th – December 22nd 2011)
    Gender and Local Governance (November 20th – December 5th 2011)
    Education for Science and Technology and ICT in Education (November 21st – December 15th 2011)
    Animal Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (November 27th – December 13th 2011)
    Leveraging Urban Nature and Biodiversity for Local Development (November 28th – December 22nd 2011)
    Afforestation in Arid and Semi Arid Zones: Response to Climate Change (December 11th – 22nd 2011)
